


City: Elsinore
Country: Denmark
Region: Captial Region
Opend 1973


Species 150


This small aquarium is a part of Copenhagen University and shows especially the animals of the Baltic Sea

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Last visited 2019



Københavns Universitet

Strandpromenaden 5

3000 Helsingør

Phone number 35321970
E-mail oresundsakvariet@bio.ku.dk


Open minimum 10am - 4pm


  • Adult 90,- DKK
  • Child 70,- DKK

Annual card

  • Adult 240,- DKK
  • Child 180,- DKK

At 11am, 1pm and 3pm the fish are fet and at the touchpool kids can help if you want 

The aquarium opened  1973 and in the years 2005/06 it got renovated. To day it has 4 different kinde of tanks, aquariums showing the biotop of the baltic sea, aquariums with different topics, a touchpoll for adults and a touchpool for kids. 

Map 2012 Map 2015

The biotope aquaria (B) show the animals biotopes in the Baltic Sea with its inhibitors. You start at the edge of the water and move to the deep sea first through marine eelgrass to a small stone reef and beyond that to the muddy bottom, past the cliffs to the harbour of Elsinore in 4 meters deep. The thematic aquaria (T) are small aquaria with 30 to 900 litres, which contains small animals with special interesting behaviour - here you can e.g. se three different jellyfish species. The touch pool for adults (B9) is 140 cm tall and has 10000l water, and contains Fish from a Reef from Kattegat, touching is allowed. Best therefore is probably the ray, it’s often at the surface of the water. The touch-pool for kids has 3 levels fit for every kid no matter age with Common shore crab, sea stars, mussels, sea anemone, flatfish etc. These can be touched and it is fun to take a sea star on a mussel. It tries to escape, since the mussel is lunch for the sea star.



DK: Dette er  Danmarks mindste akvarium med fisk og andre dyr fra de lokale farvande. Efter en præsentation af forskellige biotoper og sjove dyr som vandmænd, kommer vi et område hvor børn kan røre forskellige arter søstjerner og muslinger.


DE: Dänemarks kleinstes Aquarium ist eine Reise wert, denn hier lehrnt man nicht nur die Lebenswesen vom Oresund kennen, kann diese aber auch berühren.

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